Our team includes our company principals, staff, and contractors

J. Douglas Hunt Ph.D., P.Eng. is an internationally recognized and widely published expert in land use and transport interaction modelling, having more than 25 years of experience in transportation demand modelling and land use transport interaction modelling in Europe, the United States, and Canada. Dr. Hunt’s special expertise is in the design and calibration of these models, developing them so that they can be used to examine policy alternatives involving such things as infrastructure development, alterations in land use regulations, changes in transportation conditions (including operations, tariffs and user costs) and new economic and fiscal arrangements. In addition to his role in HBA Specto, Dr. Hunt is a Professor of Transportation Engineering at the University of Calgary.

Alan Brownlee Ph.D., P.Eng. has more than 40 years of experience in Canada, the U.S. and the United Kingdom in developing and applying advanced travel demand models. Dr. Brownlee specializes in the areas of travel forecasting, assessment of transportation needs, and development of transportation plans for urban areas. With HBA Specto he has had key project management role in the successful delivery of advanced travel models and components in the U.S.A (the state of California, the San Joaquin Valley, and San Diego), Canada (Edmonton, Calgary and Wood Buffalo), and Australia (Brisbane). Prior to joining HBA Specto he worked for the City of Edmonton for more than 25 years, as the leader of the travel modelling and data collection group.

John Abraham Ph.D., P.Eng. has 25 years of experience in developing and calibrating spatial economic and travel demand models. Dr. Abraham has expertise in developing and calibrating models to provide computer simulations that are both accurate and practical for analyzing policy and scenarios. He is an expert on survey techniques for understanding preferences, measuring trade off rates, and predicting behaviour. Dr. Abraham can quickly program advanced modelling techniques into software due to his strong mathematical and statistical background and his knowledge of algorithms and data structures. He is an expert software architect with a focus on object-oriented design, and the lead developer of the PECAS land use modelling software.

Kevin Stefan, P.Eng. has almost 20 years of transportation engineering experience, including over ten years with HBA Specto. His expertise is focused primarily on travel demand model development work, including data preparation, estimation, calibration and validation, including programming in Python. With HBA Specto, he has worked on the development of a wide variety of travel demand models – including aggregate trip-based and disaggregate activity-based personal and commercial vehicle travel models; long distance and statewide travel models – across Canada, the United States and Australia. He received his M.Sc. from the University of Calgary for the development of a tour-based micro-simulation commercial vehicle model. He has also worked in the public sector, spending seven years with the City of Calgary in Transportation Planning.

Geraldine Fuenmayor, Ph.D. from the University of Calgary, M.Sc. in Urban Transportation and a Bachelor of Urban Planning, both from the Universidad Simon Bolívar. She has been working at HBA using PECAS since 2009. Geraldine has 18 years of experience in the application of transportation and land use models. Her participation developing these models for cities in Venezuela, U.S.A., Canada, and Panamá had built her background to understand different urban realities. Geraldine is a team player with technical and management skills. Her recent work has focused on the calibration of the AA including: trip length, households, imports and exports of industries and urban rents, as well as on the analysis of policy scenarios for the ASET model. Geraldine started working in the field in Modelistica in the year 2000.

J.D. Paul McMillan, P.Eng., has a MSc from the University of Calgary. He is a senior modeller with more than 20 years of experience in engineering and related areas establishing a broad range of interdisciplinary knowledge of civil engineering, computer modelling, computer hardware and software, employee supervision, experience in marketing, behavioural modelling, surveys, and data collection. His experience includes extensive work developing and using regional transportation models for Calgary, Edmonton, Brisbane, Northern New Jersey, the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (Ft. McMurray), and the Province of Alberta; and traffic microsimulation models of Manhattan and The Bronx, NY. Paul is a cat-person, avid cycle commuter, and proud father of two.

Harley Gorrell graduated from Texas A&M with a BS in Computer Science. He has been a software developer for over 30 years, writing applications for engineering, scientific analysis and laboratories. Before his return to Calgary, he participated in the sequencing of the first human genome and genetic variant analysis. He brings his discerning taste for software and system administration from the Bay Area to Calgary.